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Salvage Showcase

A large pile of crushed and stacked vehicles forms a chaotic mountain in what appears to be a junkyard or scrapyard. The cars are mostly stripped and stacked haphazardly on top of one another against a clear sky.
A large pile of crushed and stacked vehicles forms a chaotic mountain in what appears to be a junkyard or scrapyard. The cars are mostly stripped and stacked haphazardly on top of one another against a clear sky.
A row of parked cars on a gravel lot with trees in the background. Some cars appear to be damaged or missing parts, and the area has an industrial feel with a warehouse visible at the edge.
A row of parked cars on a gravel lot with trees in the background. Some cars appear to be damaged or missing parts, and the area has an industrial feel with a warehouse visible at the edge.
An aerial view of a large junkyard filled with numerous parked vehicles, mainly consisting of trucks, vans, and buses. The vehicles are arranged in a seemingly haphazard manner with dirt paths weaving through them. The area is surrounded by a fence, and there are patches of vegetation visible within and around the yard.
An aerial view of a large junkyard filled with numerous parked vehicles, mainly consisting of trucks, vans, and buses. The vehicles are arranged in a seemingly haphazard manner with dirt paths weaving through them. The area is surrounded by a fence, and there are patches of vegetation visible within and around the yard.
Several cars without wheels and partially stripped of parts are parked on a gravel surface, surrounded by greenery and other discarded items.
Several cars without wheels and partially stripped of parts are parked on a gravel surface, surrounded by greenery and other discarded items.